- Category:Vine
- Hardiness Zone:4-8
- Height:20-30 ft
- Spread:20-30 ft
- Bloom Color:Green Shades, Red Shades
Attention!!! There's an officer in the room! You will find yourself saluting this officer often once you see that this Major has earned his rank in the field with a stunning landscape presence that make all the other Honeysuckle look like mere recruits. Start with its foliage...'Major Wheeler' seems to be immune to the foliage mildew that can adversely affect many other Honeysuckles. Even in the most humid conditions its foliage stays dark green, lustrous and mildew free. His foliage is great but it's the bloom that 'Major Wheeler' brings to your yard that makes him such a landscape hero. Masses of long, tubular, bright red flowers cover the Major from late May through the summer in such numbers you'll wonder where he gets his energy! You won't be the only one that will salute this officer. Hummingbirds and butterflies anywhere in your neighborhood will find this Major to be a great source of flower fragrance and nectar and will faithfully visit him frequently. Yes, 'Major Wheeler' is a native landscape leader that we all will salute for meritorius service no matter if he is planted in full sun or shade!
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