Breeder:Goodness Grows Edibles
Hardiness Zone:9-12
Height:18-20 in
Spread:5-6 ft
Bloom Color:Green Shades, Orange Shades
The miniature 1-1.5 lb. fruit of this Butternut gives you just enough of its sweet, deep orange flesh without a bit of waste! Bred at Cornell, it is the perfect garden selection for the north with vigorous, cold tolerant vines and lots of long lasting fruit.
Butternut is the most popular winter Squash and the most versatile. It has a myriad of tasty uses from soups to pasta and everywhere in between.
Squash is often mentioned in European history but they are likely referring to gourds in these writings. Squash, like Butternut, are uniquely American and were imported to Europe with the return of the first European explorers
» Yummy orange flesh is great in soups
» Mini 1.5 lb. fruit is perfect for 2 people
» Heavy producer
» Cold tolerant and late maturing
» Best for the Northern garden
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